Religious Pluralism & Universalism – Part VII

  • In recent weeks we’ve been looking at some of the apologetic responses to the philosophy of Religious Pluralism. In this final installment in this series we want to highlight an argument we call “The Pragmatic Test for Truth”.
  • This argument is generally not the best to use when opening a conversation about Religious Pluralism, but in the course of an ongoing dialogue on this topic, this argument makes an important point.
  • The Pragmatic Test for Truth asks the question, “What do the religions of the world produce, philosophically, in the lives and societies of their adherents?” In other words, what is the fruit of the various world religions?
  • For example, when we examine the Eastern faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism we find a history of producing stagnant cultures. The Eastern worldview posits a foundational doctrine known as “maya” which means that the world is an illusion. Now, if the world is an illusion, what basis do we have to seek to better ourselves technologically, scientifically, medically, etc.?
  • Another example, the religion of Islam has historically produced intolerant and repressive cultures. When one reads the Koran you will find numerous verses commanding Muslims to kill Jews, Christians, and other infidels. You also find in Islam the widespread denial of basic human rights.
  • A person’s religious worldview matters. And the fruit of the religions of the world is an important topic to consider when the religious pluralist makes that claim that “All religions are basically the same.”
  • When you examine the fundamental teachings of the various religions of the world, what you will find is that not only are all religions not basically the same, but only in biblical Christianity do we find a true basis for love and compassion, for cultural and social progress, etc.

For more information on the various religions of the world, please check out Dr. Carlson’s book, Fast Facts On False Teachings, available in our online store.

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