The Primary Characteristics of the Postmodern Worldview – Part II

  • The Postmodern belief that there is no absolute truth and that truth is purely a social construct (as discussed last week) inevitably gives rise to the second characteristic of the Postmodern worldview, the notion that truth is relative.
  • Relativism can be summarized by the popular statement, “What’s true for you is true for you; and what’s true for me is true for me.”
  • The view that truth is relative has many fundamental flaws. First and foremost, it is a self-defeating position. When you claim that truth is relative, you are actually making an absolute statement about reality.
  • Another flaw with relativism is that it provides no basis for making moral value judgments. For example, were the terrorists of 9/11 evil? Were the atrocities of the Nazis evil? As a relativist, you cannot consistently answer ‘yes’ to these questions, for these people were simply following through with what they believed to be true for them.
  • Contrary to the claims of Postmodernism, there is absolute, objective truth. God who is personal and rational has revealed His truth to us in Scripture; and we can know it and be confident in it (Psalm 119:160; John 17:6-8).

For more information on the Postmodern worldview and how to respond to it with God’s truth, please check out the Apologetics Study Bible For Students, available in our online store.