The Age of the Earth Debate

  • When it comes to issues related to science and the Bible one of the major topics of interest and debate is the age of the earth.
  • The majority of modern-day scientists hold that the earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old.
  • Many Bible-believing Christians would affirm the popular consensus of an earth that is 4.5 billion years old. These Christians would hold positions that interpret the creation account and genealogies of Genesis in a variety of non-literal ways, allowing for an old earth (e.g. The Gap Theory, Theistic Evolution, Progressive Creationism).
  • Other Bible-believing Christians would argue that the earth is much younger, possibly only 6,000-10,000 years old. These Christians read the creation account and genealogies of Genesis in a more literal manner.
  • Our ministry, Christian Ministries International, holds to a Young Earth Creationist position. We believe that both the Bible and the observable scientific evidence affirm a young earth.
  • When it comes to this debate, however, it is important for Christians to recognize that the age of the earth is not a central doctrine of the Christian faith. Is it an important issue? Yes. Is it a salvific issue or one that strikes at the heart of orthodoxy? No.
  • As we reach out to the unbelieving world we should not allow secondary matters like the age of the earth to distract people from the essential message of the gospel. Some skeptics will use the debate over the age of the earth as a reason to dismiss all of Christianity. We must continue to point them to matters of first priority, their sin and need of a savior.
  • The world is watching how we treat one another as Christians. God’s word says we are to be known by our love (John 13:34-35). We may disagree and debate one another over the age of the earth, but we must strive to do so graciously and in a spirt of brotherly love.

For more information on the age of the earth please check out Dr. Carlson’s lecture series, Answering Skeptics’ Questions, available in our online store.