The Uniqueness of the Bible

  • The Bible contains sixty-six books, written by forty different authors, over a period of 1500 years, on three different continents, and in three different languages. Yet, within this diverse collection of books we find a common storyline and theme (God's love and redemptive plan for humanity) with no contradictions.
  • The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies that have been literally fulfilled in history. For examples, see Daniel 2; Isaiah 13; Luke 21:5-6.
  • The Bible has regularly been confirmed as being historically, archaeologically, and geographically accurate.
  • The current Old Testament that we use today has proven to be 99% accurate when compared to the Dead Sea Scrolls dating from 200 B.C.
  • The current New Testament that we use today has proven to be 99% accurate when compared to the over 10,000 partial and complete New Testament manuscripts dating from the first three centuries A.D.

To learn more about the uniqueness of the Bible, check out Dr. Carlson's CD or MP3 lecture titled, The Bible: Is It the Word of God?, available in our online store.