Why All Religions are Basically the Same

  • A popular viewpoint in our pluralistic culture today is the belief that, “All religions are basically the same.”
  • Oftentimes as Christians we seek to counter this claim by highlighting the many differences and contradictions between the world’s religions.
  • While the above tactic is appropriate, the next time someone raises this viewpoint with you, why not try a different approach? Consider the option of affirming their position.
  • As Christians we can affirm that all religions are basically the same. How so? All religions are basically the same in that they all posit ways to connect with God (or the divine, infinite, etc.) through acts of merit and works of righteousness.
  • Religion, fundamentally, is about men and women trying to earn favor with God: through good works, rituals, sacrifices, or money.
  • The problem with religion, however, is that the Bible says that all of our righteous acts are like filthy rags in the eyes of a holy God (Isaiah 64:6). Religion cannot save anyone (Rom. 3:23).
  • Unlike religion, the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers men and women the promise of salvation, not based on our merits, but based on Jesus’ atoning work on the cross and his resurrection from the grave (Rom. 5:6-9; 1 Peter 1:3).
  • All religions are basically the same, but in Jesus Christ we have something far better than religion. In Jesus we have been given a gift, a gift of grace, hope, and assurance of salvation (Eph. 2:8-9; Heb. 6:19; Rom. 8:1-2).

For more information on religious pluralism and the hope of the Gospel, please check out Jason Carlson’s DVD, Salvation: Is There Really Just 1 Way? available in our online store.