Worldviews – Part IX

  • In the past two weeks we’ve been exploring some of the manifestations of Postmodern thought; and specifically, we’ve looked at Postmodern Existentialism and Postmodern Spiritualism.
  • A third manifestation of Postmodern philosophy in our world today is what is called Postmodern Secularism. As it’s name implies, it rejects the spiritual realm that is embraced by Postmodern Spiritualism. However, it also rejects the overt pessimism of Postmodern Existentialism. In the end, however, the logical end of Postmodern Secularism is no better for humanity than either of the two previously explored options.
  • Postmodern Secularism is essentially a renewed Humanism harkening back to Nietzsche’s philosophy of the 19th c.
  • The basic belief of Postmodern Secularism is that humanity is basically good. People are not guilty of violating any actual moral law (as absolutes do not exist), but rather, we’re simply guilty of our guilt.
  • Postmodern Secularism declares that institutions, and particularly organized religion, create evil and guilt by limiting personal freedom through the invention of false systems of morality. For the Postmodern Secularist, the freedom to follow your heart, discover personal fulfillment, and achieve self-actualization are the highest goal.
  • The most obvious expression of the above goal in our contemporary culture is in the area of sexual liberty, where our culture has increasingly turned it’s back on God’s standards. With this, we’ve seen the institution of marriage come under attack – both in regards to our culture’s devaluation of marriage (cohabitation, divorce, etc.) and in it’s redefinition of marriage (gay marriage currently legal in 9 states throughout America).
  • The Christian worldview teaches that there are absolutes in the areas of truth and morality; and therefore, following God’s norms, not our sinful hearts, is what ultimately leads to true fulfillment in our lives and society. This message convicts the inherent ‘idolatry of the self’ found in Postmodern Secularism, which is why Christianity is being increasingly marginalized in our culture today.
  • The hedonistic goals of Postmodern Secularism may appear to be based on freedom and personal liberty, but ultimately, pursuing freedom apart from God produces not liberty, but bondage. The further a society moves away from God’s standards of truth, the greater the sin and moral anarchy that will result (Rom. 1:18-32).

For more information on the implications of Postmodern thought for our culture today, please check out the book Answers For A Confused Church, available in our online store.