Worldviews – Part VI

  • In the 20th century Secular Humanism’s idealistic myth, that humanity is basically good and could create a Utopia on earth, was shattered by the undeniable reality of human evil and atrocity evidenced in two World Wars, the Holocaust, Stalin’s gulags, Mao’s cultural revolution, and the killing fields of Cambodia, amongst other examples.
  • However, instead of returning to the truth of a Creator-God and His moral guidance for society, secular philosophers continued to attempt to explain existence and the meaning of life without Him.
  • The mid to late 20th century saw the popular rise of a philosophy known as Postmodernism which would gradually infiltrate all areas of society.
  • Postmodernism denies the existence of God and the reality of absolute truth and instead elevates relativism and a politically correct notion of tolerance that calls for uncritical acceptance of all beliefs, practices, and lifestyles.
  • Postmodernism expresses itself in three primary manifestations: postmodern existentialism, postmodern spiritualism, and postmodern secularism.
  • In our upcoming Fast Facts we will explain these three manifestations of Postmodern thought and highlight the implications of embracing them.

For more information on the philosophy of Postmodernism, please check out Jason Carlson’s 5-disc CD series titled Answering the Postmodern Challenge, available in our online store.